The Natural Path, as the name denotes, is a business dedicated to finding a pathway to natural health and wellness for all individuals. It is founded to embody that which my knowledge and experience holds most valuable. It is the mission of this business to teach health principles, and naturally build a better well being.

The Natural Path is involved in training men and women to lead others in living healthier lifestyles. To this end, classes and personal instruction are available. The consultation will provide you with information on how to eat better and live healthier, how toxic habits affect your well-being, and how to care for your body in a more natural way.

The Natural Path utilizes alternative methods and sciences to establish basic dietary needs. In America we have access to healthy foods, superior healthcare, and an educated population, and yet our bodies still run low in nutrition and high in stress. It is the intent of this business to consider your current state, and relate it to better health choices in order to reduce weakness. God created our bodies with a miraculous ability to heal naturally, and we will discover it together.

The methods of analysis are NOT designed to replace the diagnostic tools and techniques of your licensed medical practitioner. IF YOU HAVE A MEDICAL PROBLEM, PLEASE SEE YOUR MEDICAL DOCTOR.

“The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light; but if your eye is unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness (disease)” – Matthew 6:22-23