What is Iridology? 
Iridology is the scientific analysis of patterns and structures in the iris of the eye.  Through specific iris markings Iridologists are able to analyze inherent strengths and weaknesses, areas and stages of inflammation, and many other “iris signs” throughout the body.  Iridology is one of the oldest forms of alternative medicine.  Ideology and practice of iridology is more than 2,000 years old.

The iris contains hundreds of nerve endings that are attached to the optic nerve, the base of the brain, and all body tissues.  Therefore the neural circuitry of the eye is able to express the continuity of the body.  Weaknesses in body tissues or organs often show up in the eye before they show up in medical tests.

Iridology will not show or name a specific disease, but provide information about the body tissues.  Iridology will indicate the presence of inflammation and weakness that are refuge for toxic conditions.  The iris will not reveal natural occurrences, gender or age; but it will reveal inherent tendencies.

What is Muscle Response Testing?
Muscle Response Testing (MRT) is an effective tool for determining the body’s needs.  It was developed in 1964 by a chiropractor who developed a diagnostic system called Applied Kinesiology that allows muscles to be tested to determine a person’s body functioning.  Applied Kinesiology was derived from the ancient art of Acupuncture that was cultivated by the Chinese between 3,000 and 25 BC.  In general the kinesiologist finds a muscle that tests weak, and then attempts to determine what will make the muscle stronger.  The practitioner will then evaluate the best nutrition to eliminate the muscle weakness and help the consumer.  I utilize a simplified form of MRT to analyze nutritional needs.